Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cashier threatened with gun

Leverkusen - raid on a supermarket in Leverkusen-Schlebusch: A stranger tried Wednesday to steal the day's takings.
The offender entered the store to clock 17.20 in the Mülheim street. It first went into the back of the store, the man came to the 44-year-old cashier at the time was alone in the shop. The stranger suddenly turned a gun on the clerk and demanded with the words: "Make the checkout process on" the return of the day's takings.
The frightened woman tried to open the cash register, what it despite repeated attempts did not succeed. When the perpetrators shortly after the rear part of the consumer market noises heard, he immediately took to flight.
Anyone who has seen the robbers? He should have looked:
• 25-30 years old • 175-180 cm tall black hair • • • southern accent dressed in a dark T-shirt and blue jeans • "masked" with a green baseball cap and black sunglasses
Information please call telephone number at the 14th 0221/229-0 Criminal Commissioner