Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Makes the bridge finally quiet!

Düsseldorf / Meerbusch - For years, residents in demanding a 44-Ilverich and stockings, "soft power, the bridge! The noise makes us sick. "But Busch's Sea Mayor Dieter Spindler received by those in charge only to hear:" It does not work! "
EXPRESS found out now: it's possible! Reason for the high continuous noise up to 64 decibels are too low a noise barrier and the expansion joints between the bridge and the approaches that generate the rhythm of the cars darüberrollenden one maschinengewehrähnliches "plop-plop".
Searching for the EXPRESS bridge builders and the country's road construction company were: the expansion joints with high-grooves can be exchanged for almost silent "lamella plates"!
This graduate Ingeneurin Nicole de Witt by the National Road Operating: "It is diamond-shaped panels that make a Darüberrollen almost inaudibly. Below the transitions can be addressed through sound insulation residual noise. Thus, the Rodenkirchener Bridge in Cologne has been retrofitted. "
The cost of retrofitting (involves at least two expansion joints on a bridge site) to two lanes will, however, in the high five-figure range bewegen.Nicole de Witt: "The community or citizen must apply for the conversion. Then we get into the exam. "
Mayor Spindler announced in an interview with the Express: "We will now undertake as a city after this news, an attack on federal and state governments to ensure that the residents will finally spared by the crash."
Bernhard lights of the citizens' initiative: "Good news. We will now make an active and pressure, so that we can re-open the windows and sleep in peace. "