Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Key service: it too was ripped off

Cologne - The EXPRESS Report> about brazen rip in key emergency services led by consumer advocates and experts, outrage and horror.
Now reports are another victim with an incredible story.
At Marina G. (flutter 46) nor the nerves: "I can not believe that someone has taken advantage of my predicament so shamelessly ..." What happened? Only a thief stole her handbag along with a keychain. The catering staff called an emergency service that advertises with the slogan, "Short distances - Small prices.
What she did not know: Your call ended up in a call center in Bremen (!). From here, a technician was sent in Cologne: "It was not until he spiraled out of my castle, said it was broken - and it in his pocket. Then he wrote the bill. I became almost dizzy ... "Rich should pay them 650 euros for opening her door. Buy and bar!
"I was with a strange man alone in the apartment. He pushed and pushed. The situation was intolerable. "
Even worse: When the woman finally refused to pay cash, did the man leave the apartment. "He just sat still and said:" As long as they remain not pay me here, "At some point, I was all ready with the nerves. And paid ... "
EXPRESS presented their case to the Cologne expert Jörg Robels: "In such a case, immediately call the police. And report back complaint for assault and fraud. "Marina G.:" I'll do! "