Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Key service: it too was ripped off

Cologne - The EXPRESS Report> about brazen rip in key emergency services led by consumer advocates and experts, outrage and horror.
Now reports are another victim with an incredible story.
At Marina G. (flutter 46) nor the nerves: "I can not believe that someone has taken advantage of my predicament so shamelessly ..." What happened? Only a thief stole her handbag along with a keychain. The catering staff called an emergency service that advertises with the slogan, "Short distances - Small prices.
What she did not know: Your call ended up in a call center in Bremen (!). From here, a technician was sent in Cologne: "It was not until he spiraled out of my castle, said it was broken - and it in his pocket. Then he wrote the bill. I became almost dizzy ... "Rich should pay them 650 euros for opening her door. Buy and bar!
"I was with a strange man alone in the apartment. He pushed and pushed. The situation was intolerable. "
Even worse: When the woman finally refused to pay cash, did the man leave the apartment. "He just sat still and said:" As long as they remain not pay me here, "At some point, I was all ready with the nerves. And paid ... "
EXPRESS presented their case to the Cologne expert Jörg Robels: "In such a case, immediately call the police. And report back complaint for assault and fraud. "Marina G.:" I'll do! "

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Makes the bridge finally quiet!

Düsseldorf / Meerbusch - For years, residents in demanding a 44-Ilverich and stockings, "soft power, the bridge! The noise makes us sick. "But Busch's Sea Mayor Dieter Spindler received by those in charge only to hear:" It does not work! "
EXPRESS found out now: it's possible! Reason for the high continuous noise up to 64 decibels are too low a noise barrier and the expansion joints between the bridge and the approaches that generate the rhythm of the cars darüberrollenden one maschinengewehrähnliches "plop-plop".
Searching for the EXPRESS bridge builders and the country's road construction company were: the expansion joints with high-grooves can be exchanged for almost silent "lamella plates"!
This graduate Ingeneurin Nicole de Witt by the National Road Operating: "It is diamond-shaped panels that make a Darüberrollen almost inaudibly. Below the transitions can be addressed through sound insulation residual noise. Thus, the Rodenkirchener Bridge in Cologne has been retrofitted. "
The cost of retrofitting (involves at least two expansion joints on a bridge site) to two lanes will, however, in the high five-figure range bewegen.Nicole de Witt: "The community or citizen must apply for the conversion. Then we get into the exam. "
Mayor Spindler announced in an interview with the Express: "We will now undertake as a city after this news, an attack on federal and state governments to ensure that the residents will finally spared by the crash."
Bernhard lights of the citizens' initiative: "Good news. We will now make an active and pressure, so that we can re-open the windows and sleep in peace. "

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Miles dirt stays out

Dusseldorf - On Sunday we go! Then Dusseldorf is finally divided into environmental zones to reduce the particulate matter limit.
Anyone who has a sticker in your car may, in his car (no longer in the city even if it initially has no nodule).
Of all the boards Ludenberger Street, where the fine particles were in the last year 42 exceeded times, each vehicle is allowed to continue.
Much to the annoyance of local residents. "It is one of the busiest and dirtiest streets in Dusseldorf. The volume control is proposing here until it stops, and yet nothing happened, "complains Jürgen Bachmann. "It is preposterous that the Ludenberger road is not part of the Green Zone. Are the people here 5th Class and 1st in the downtown Class? "
The volume is intolerable by cars, trams and buses. Therefore, more and more people move away. Many houses and shops are already empty. "From morning to night it's just loud. I can not even open in the living room window. My daughter has been so lung problems. We then move away quickly as possible, "said Olga Horn.
In the evening, the neighbors will find no rest. "It's terrible," said Dale Harris. "The windows need because of the volume remain closed forever." Otto L. annoyed: "Our helplessness is already large. The noise is almost unbearable. "Eleftherios Patsis is also totally frustrated. "The traffic is often rumbles through the area even at night. It sounds partly like a tractor in front of the door. "
In addition, a container that is designed to measure the dust blocked the view of his restaurant. "This is very umsatzschädigend. I have the place for 18 years. If I'd known that with the container before, I would have looked for a different location. "
But quick help from the city it will not exist. The Environment to deal with the problem, but has no concrete solutions at hand. "It makes no sense to build on a stretch of road of 300 meters, an environmental zone," says Helga Stulgies alderman.
Where the Green Zone is located in Düsseldorf exactly? Click HERE>
Also of interest
Where the Green Zone is located in Düsseldorf exactly?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Uh-oh, VfL! Szilagyi threatens Saisonaus

manduca thick yoga mats

Cologne - The Participation of the Cup Final VfL Gummersbach also provides in Cologne for a bit of handball euphoria.
For the game on Friday at the Lanxess Arena against Großwallstadt (19.30 clock) are expected to attract over 8000 spectators.
Among them will be joined by Viktor Szilagyi. The director has a tear in the Achilles tendon, he can not play. Worse: He threatens Saisonaus.
"I had previously had problems, have represented myself then. Now is the injured tendon, "said the Austrian. It even threatens Saisonaus! Szilagyi: "There followed investigations. I hope that I can help the team at European Cup final. "
The first leg against Gorenje Velenje on 24 May, the second leg on Whit Monday in Cologne. The game will be transferred from the DSF, but the Oberbergisher hope to celebrate with a jam-packed arena the first European Cup in 26 years.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Driver rams two cars

Dusseldorf - Pretty bold. With passengers on board Rheinbahn driver Reza S. (built 51) twice in an accident and went after the dust.
Therefore, the bus driver was on Tuesday presented the bill: he has to pay 1750 Euro fine and should not take eight months longer. A prohibition also.Mit line 722 turned Reza S. Reisholzer into the street. There were parked cars on the kerbside. One of them slammed into the bus. Passenger Sascha A. (31): "I sat in the back right, as a loud noise, and flew almost from the chair"
Nevertheless, Reza drove pp. The client ran to the front, shouted: "You have just had an accident." Only now, the driver stopped. Sascha A. showed him the door at the crumpled bus. Without comment Reza S. retook his seat and just continued. It left a stunned passenger. "I really wanted another station. My mother's visit. "As it was, he wrote the data on the car and informed the operator of the parked cars.
Then the second accident, which apparently had not noticed Reza pp. After passengers had boarded on the Ross road, he drove off, and while a pensioner jostling with his car. Driver Hubert M. (82): not "to endanger my co-driver, I had to resort to a traffic island."
There, the journey came to an abrupt end to a plate. Damage: 1891 euros. Reza S. defended himself in court on Tuesday: "If we are hit by buses and put the blinkers, some just have to wait." The accident he had not noticed, however.
The judge believed the witnesses. "For you as a busdriver a bad history. But I can take that into consideration. "