Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sheikhs want to help Dusseldorf

Dusseldorf - 41 years does the process had been - a record! And there's no end in sight. It is about 500 million euros, which calls for the Düsseldorf former hotel manager and inventor Heinz Süllhöfer (82) for an allegedly by him invented methods of chemical company Bavaria. The Leverkusen-based giant, so Süllhöfer, had stolen a patented idea. The money for the continuation of the proceedings, he can afford no more. But now sheikhs want to stand in for him.
In these days, reported to a lawyer, behind a group of investors from Dubai stands. The sheikhs are apparently willing to take over the claim because of the high legal costs of around three million violent euros when they are involved in the event of success at the Bayer payments. Süllhöfer the whole process so far has already cost around 15 million euros.
"I sleep for 40 years with the history of one and the next morning to wake up," he says. During the lengthy dispute, he has suffered several heart attacks. "But nothing here is biologically resolved," he said decidedly. For now occurs Süllhöfer son Dirk, the legal successor to his ailing father. The notary was set. "I just let little loose, like my father." Just recently, the OLG Düsseldorf explained that the procedure is not time-barred.
The junior now has new material in hand, which could lead to a reversal in decades of litigation. He has been leaked confidential documents to Süllhöfer to support claims. Bayer is still assured that you have known the procedure invented by Süllhöfer before. The company had, despite Süllhöfer patent therefore a so-called right of prior use.
The process: A special machine for mass production of certain plastic sheets. That gave it up to date, no. Says Süllhöfer. The apparatus brought the company billions of profits.
And still sees a possibility Süllhöfer junior: "I am also prepared, where appropriate, to a court settlement with Bayer. The group would then pay an amount which is well below the 500 million euros. But with a tip we will not be fobbed us. "