Thursday, May 27, 2010

Man kills wife (19) and calls police

Würselen -
Cruel crimes just before Christmas: A 23-year-old stabbed his young wife in Würselen (19). Shortly after, he alerted the police.
Officials said he, his wife was in his car near a hospital. There, the police found the victim. The young woman could not be saved in the clinic.
The husband waited in the car for the arrival of the police and was arrested himself. The accused have made but still no precise information on the act, the motive was unclear, said the prosecutor Aachen on Tuesday.
With his wife he was married only a few months. It was requested arrest warrant.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Melanie Griffith (52): Cancer Drama!

Los Angeles - conjecture about Melanie Griffith: The actress joined now with a black eye in front of the door.
Hollywood disjoint: A make-up mistakes? A plastic surgery? Or even trouble with her Latin-lover Antonio Banderas (49)? No way! Melanie Violet is from an operation - she had skin cancer!
"The disease has been discovered in the early stages, so no further complications to be expected," said spokeswoman Robin Griffiths tree. The 52-year-old actress by the surgery had taken place earlier this month and in which the cancer cells have been removed, suffered a black eye. Currently, the American recovered from it.
Griffith ("The Bonfire of the Vanities") has a twelve year old daughter with husband Banderas (49, "The Mask of Zorro") and two adult children from previous relationships with colleagues Don Johnson and Steve Bauer.
When they saw their fans with a violet suspected, probably a lot of connection with alcohol or drugs. Only in August, the morbidly jealous Griffith had withdrawn into a rehab clinic in the Rocky Mountains to fight her addiction to painkillers. The cause was a skiing accident, Melanie had the beginning of 2008.
Paparazzi who they met on the street smelled, like the end of marriage number four, and even asked whether Banderas missed her blue eyes.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jeck - we can be different!

Düsseldorf - The "Foolish summer theater" that is currently supplying the company "Düsseldorf originals" - of all those whose future President Venetia Janine Schmidt. "Heavy Profile neuroses and differences in the association," says ex-chairman-ender Dirk Hoffmann, chief of Bender's Marie "to determine. 30-40 fools (the "hard core") had left his side already. Even the late Ex-President in March, Old Original Plum Marianne said to be still allegedly leaked shortly before her death.
After 17 years, has now left and Kurt Fenn, chief of the "Foolish Butterfly," the club. Justification: "The I have become too chaotic." Was all he will not say it. Hoffmann: "What remains is in fact now almost exclusively the children dance Guard.
"Nonsense," said board member Petra Therkatz, "There were more than eight people. If all family members of one of these, you may come to 30th "And Soon-Venetia Janine confirmed:" We are extremely strong with currently over 100 members. "
What in the spat and the outlets is clearly not talking about both sides. The dissenters can speak at least have their T-shirts. Provo-print: "The wa (h) Ren originals."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Savings Bank also sued Vice

Dusseldorf - From Policy sent into the desert and now supposedly rehabilitated ex-chief Heinz Martin savings Humme strikes back. The prosecutor's decision to discontinue proceedings against him, he celebrated as a victory.
But not quite so simple is the case. The Savings Bank's civil action against the ousted leader. On Thursday reached the damages claim over 9.4 million euro also Hummes deputy Karl-Heinz Stiegemann. They are together for the millions who broke entrepreneur Franjo Pooth had sat in the sand pay. Insiders are surprised that Humme - if he is a clean man - had not appealed against his dismissal. He now check with his lawyers to strike back. The politicians, notably the late OB Joachim Erwin, after all, had ruined his reputation. This year it had around 700,000 euro salary excluding bonuses cost payments.
But even if the prosecutor sees no suspicion of disloyalty, that is still not that also constitute the civil judge on Hummes page. Its termination was based on his alleged misconduct at least as a savings bank chief.
Paradox: Should the court find that Humme and Stiegemann have not allowed blunder, the bank will not be so sad. Finally, the managers are insured. But the insurance pays only if there is no wrongdoing.
Sued Backgrounds: Indictment against bank managers Stiegemann> Duesseldorf bank ex-executives>

Monday, May 3, 2010

42-year-old attacked with crossbow

Hennef - Mysterious assassinations care in the idyllic village of Edgoven for disbelief.
Neighbors Alexander M. (42, real name) was apparently killed by a crossbow! The taxi driver was critically injured on the street - the arrow had hit an artery in his leg. Three months ago, M. was the wrong target crossbowmen!
Process and background of the events are still unclear. The victim is now hovering no longer in danger, but could not be heard. The Bonn public prosecutor's homicide squad and have commenced their investigation.
What happened on the night of 9 June? According to initial information from Alexander M. rang at 2.15 clock three unknowns against him. They lured him out of the house on some pretext and then suddenly shot with a crossbow at him. Sounds incredible. Witnesses did not exist.
Also M.S family is a mystery. The 42-year-old taxi driver said to have no enemies, no one owed money in any "feel as his circle." He separated from his girlfriend well a few months ago, has lost contact.
So who wants to kill him? On 10 March will have shot at the unknown man. Even at night, in front of his apartment, also with a crossbow, even then, the arrow hit the leg. "The perpetrators could not be identified yet," said police spokesman Frank Piontek.
In the present case the investigations are in full swing. The possible Tatablauf must be clarified. Also stuck, whether behind the firing real unknowns. The murder investigators ask for information from the public.
Who in the night of 9 June and on 10 suspicious persons seen in Edgoven? The officials are to be reached at 0228/150.